


Abstract submission opens:

15 March 2023

Poster Abstract submission deadline:

15 August 2023

Acceptance of abstract:

20 August 2023

Early registration:

31 August 2023



Dear colleague

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to cordially invite you to the XIII European Congress on Marine Natural Products and XVII International Symposium on Marine Natural Products joint meeting, to be held in Granada, Spain, on September 3-8, 2023.

After three years of online conferences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now time for a face-to-face meeting to allow senior experts, emerging Marine Natural Products (MNP) stars, and early career scientists to present their research in an exciting combination of plenary lectures, invited talks, oral communications, and poster sessions. Young researchers in the MNP field from all over the world are especially encouraged to participate and reduced registration fees will apply. This will be a unique opportunity to share your latest scientific discoveries on MNP.

In addition to the scientific content, there will be an exciting and busy social program, including a Welcome Reception, a Gala Dinner, a Sunset Cocktail, and a visit to the world-renowned Alhambra.

Please save the dates in your diary and help us spread the word to your colleagues who might also be interested in attending. 


We look forward to seeing you all in Granada!



Carmen Cuevas & Fernando Reyes

Conference Chairs